by Manuel | Dec 3, 2020 | Press Release
New analysis for the European Commission underlines that aviation’s climate impact is far worse than widely claimed. Despite this, the European Commission is not proposing any meaningful action within the next few years Campaigners demand a sustained reduction of air...
by Manuel | Nov 4, 2020 | Members
Background: Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) wants to expand from 4 million passengers per year to 7 million by 2030. LBA has submitted a planning application to Leeds City Council (LCC) seeking permission to extend daytime flying hours, allow more flights at night and...
by Manuel | Oct 5, 2020 | Actions, Members
Following the appeal launched by French Stay Grounded members Alternatiba and ANV-COP21 to march on Airports, 2000 people have mobilised on the 3rd of October in 18 airports in France and Mexico to demand measures to reduce air traffic, accompanied by a just...
by Manuel | Jul 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Faire de la « compensation carbone » dans l’espoir de contrebalancer les émissions dues au voyages en avion est une mesure très prisée parmi les organisations s’efforçant d’adopter une politique de déplacements plus durable. Mais ladite compensation...
by Manuel | Jul 27, 2020 | Information
Offsetting emissions from flights is a popular measure amongst organisations trying to implement more sustainable travel policies. However, offsets generally means no real change in behaviours and policies, and is virtually useless in terms of emissions reductions....