By now, it is well known that flying is bad for the climate. What’s not clear enough is that it is mostly a problem of inequality: flying is essentially a luxury activity, and in many cases downright obscene. Analogous to the concept of bullshit jobs [1] – jobs...
33 ONG appellent l’UE à prendre rapidement des mesures pour réduire tous les impacts climatiques du transport aérien
Une nouvelle étude pour la Commission européenne montre clairement que l’impact climatique du transport aérien est bien pire que ce qui est dit et répété. Malgré cela, la Commission européenne ne propose pas d'action qui puisse prendre effet avant 5 à 8 ans. Les ONG...
33 organisations urge the EU to address the full climate impact of aviation now
New analysis for the European Commission underlines that aviation’s climate impact is far worse than widely claimed. Despite this, the European Commission is not proposing any meaningful action within the next few years Campaigners demand a sustained reduction of air...
New European Commission study adds to evidence on aviation’s total climate impact
New European Commission study makes clear that aviation is far worse than expected. Meanwhile, the aviation industry, having its annual IATA meeting today, demands additional $ 80 billion. Stay Grounded urges to account for real climate impact and stop giving more...
Planet holds breath for Heathrow landmark ruling
--> Please see previous RisingTideUK blog on the High Court Verdict and the case leading up to the Court of Appeal here:- Summary So, we await the verdict of the UK Supreme...
Staying on the Ground in India: “Slow travel is the way forward”
In this grounded story by Vivek Gilani we learn about his motivation to reduce flying and about train travel in India. Vivek is Managing Director of cBalance, a new Stay Grounded member, which creates climate action tools for industry, institutions and consumers. The...
Understanding Greenwashing and False Solutions
The aviation industry is engaged in a concerted global greenwashing campaign to divert attention from the immense climate impact of air traffic. More worryingly still, UN body for civil aviation has developed a worldwide climate mitigation plan which does not cut...
Frequent Flyer Levy: Tackling the Injustice of Flying
Air travel is the preserve of the global rich: recent research shows that less than 1% of the global population cause more than 50% of emissions from passenger air travel. Reducing this frequent flying behaviour in a relatively small number of people would produce a...
The total climate impact of aviation
For a long time, the aviation industry and governments ignored the fact that aviation's climate impact is not only about CO2: burning kerosene at altitude also generates contrails, induced cloudiness and NOx derivatives that, although short lived, contribute...
Airport actions & campaigns – lessons learned on successful strategies and tactics
Despite climate crisis and global pandemic, airport expansion and construction projects are being planned or continued around the world. Those projects involve new land acquisition, the destruction of ecosystems, displacement of people - sometimes including human...
Leeds Bradford Airport expansion plans – legal arguments about emissions
Background: Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) wants to expand from 4 million passengers per year to 7 million by 2030. LBA has submitted a planning application to Leeds City Council (LCC) seeking permission to extend daytime flying hours, allow more flights at night and...