Airline advertisements grounded across Europe in latest climate protest Contact: Tona Merriman,, Tel: +44 7471593736 Full photo set available here Interviews at relevant hacked advertising sites available on request. 500 advertising sites...
March on Airports
The Stay Grounded network invites groups internationally to join the French mobilization on October 3rd for a reduction of air traffic and a just transition towards a climate-safe transport system. Let’s take the wave of action beyond French borders!
“Using public money to keep afloat an industry incompatible with the safeguarding of decent living conditions on Earth – our answer is no”, say French Stay Grounded members “Action non violente-COP21” (ANV-COP21) and Alternatiba. They therefore call for a march on airports in family-friendly, non-violent mobilisations, on foot or by bike throughout France.
Find the call and more info here.