
Jul 07 2021


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

SAVE THE DATE: COP26 International Assembly meeting

Please forward this invitation to all international partners, networks and allies: we are working to expand the International Assembly so that the COP26 Coalition is better placed to work alongside global movements for justice, amplify local struggles and coordinate a global response at the Glasgow talks – 2021 is proving to be an unprecedented year of crisis and hardship for so many so we need to double down on our efforts to centre solidarity, justice and care.

Dear friends,

International Assembly: 7th of July, 1pm – 2.15pm BST

The next International Assembly meeting organised by the COP26 Coalition will take place on the 7th of July 2021 from 1pm to 2.15pm BST (UK time). 

Please save the date and we will send you the details for registrations shortly. The meeting will take place Online, on zoom. 

In solidarity,

Global Solidary Working Group – COP26 Coalition


Spanish version

Queridx amigx,

International Assembly7th of July, 1pm to 2.15pm BST 

La próxima Asamblea Internacional será en 7 Julio 1, 1pm -2.15pm BST (UK time). 

Guarde la fecha y le enviaremos los detalles para las inscripciones en breve. La reunión se llevará a cabo en línea, en zoom.

En Solidaridad,

Grupo de trabajo para la solidaridad Global 

Coalición COP26


French version 

Cher.e ami.e,

International Assembly: 7th July, 1pm to 2.15pm BST

Notre prochaine Assemblée se tiendra en 7 Juillet –  de 1pm a 2.15pm BST (UK time). 


Réservez la date et nous vous ferons parvenir les détails des inscriptions sous peu. La réunion aura lieu en ligne, sur zoom.

Avec toute notre solidarité,

Groupe de travail sur la Solidarité Internationale – Coalition COP26



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