Join us to talk about how airlines are greenwashing their activity and how we can counter it. We will cover illusory techno-fixes and offsetting; we will discuss the myth of sustainable aviation fuels and why the promotion of biofuels and waste-derived fuels by the aviation industry is a false climate solution which could lead to more deforestation and land grabs around the world. We'll also explain why waste-derived aviation fuels are unlikely to work. We will talk about how international policy and carbon markets contribute to the problems, as well as examining the gender-differentiated impacts of these false solutions.


  • Alethea Warrington - Possible
  • Sally & Gary - Biofuelwatch
  • Simone Lovera- Global Forest Coalition
  • Finlay - Aircraft Engineer (previously Rolls Royce)
  • Thank you for your interest in our webinar Greenwashing and false solutions: biofuels, offsets, techno-fixes on Friday 6th of November 2020 from 8 - 10pm CET

    This is a public workshop within the Stay Grounded Network meeting

  • Please note that the webinar will be recorded and made public afterwards.

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