Airline advertisements grounded across Europe in latest climate protest Contact: Tona Merriman,, Tel: +44 7471593736 Full photo set available here Interviews at relevant hacked advertising sites available on request. 500 advertising sites...
Where is the crime? Judging those responsible for ecocide, acquitting those who defend the planet!
This article was originally published in Portuguese on 10 January 2022 on the ATERRA website to call for a solidarity protest at the trial of the Portuguese activist Kiko, who protested against the construction of a new airport in the metropolitan area of Lisbon back...
“There are no emergency exits” – ATERRA activists interrupt Portugal Air Summit
Flight attendants from ATERRA campaign were the highlight of the first day of the Air Summit, the biggest aviation event in southwestern Europe. Just like a month ago during a speech from the prime-minister, there appeared paper planes flying around and a banner which...
Ativistas interrompem primeiro-ministro de Portugal e exigem que diga a verdade sobre os impactos do aumento do tráfego aéreo
A Rebelião da Extinção invadiu o aniversário do partido do governo, no passado dia 22 de abril, para denunciar o acordo que o governo português assinou com a multinacional Vinci para um novo aeroporto no Montijo e expansão do aeroporto da Portela. As ativistas, que...
Veleiros no Tejo contra aeroporto no Montijo
Este domingo à tarde, juntámo-nos em Lisboa para uma ação surpresa em defesa do estuário do Tejo, contra o projeto do novo aeroporto previsto para o Montijo. Enquanto na cimeira do clima na Polónia os líderes mundiais continuam o “business as usual”, dois veleiros...