Airline advertisements grounded across Europe in latest climate protest Contact: Tona Merriman,, Tel: +44 7471593736 Full photo set available here Interviews at relevant hacked advertising sites available on request. 500 advertising sites...
Guides towards a Grounded Organisation
Air travel often accounts for a large proportion of an organisation’s climate impact.
Many organisations that want to mitigate global warming realise that they must question their fundamental modes of business travel. At the same time there are often just a few people within a university, organisation or company who see the urgent need for grounding business travel. They often face obstacles and don’t know where and how to start organisational change.
Do you want to ground your organisation?
Then have a look at our new guides!
Campaign Toolkit to start a Bottom-Up Initiative for Grounded Travel
Nine Concrete Steps towards a Climate Friendly Travel Policy
The second guide shows you 9 concrete steps that your organisation can take to establish a grounded travel policy.
Most of the steps can be implemented either bottom-up or top-down. So no matter whether you have a leading position in your institution or whether you just started a new initiative on this topic (see campaign toolkit) – have a look at this guide and nail things down to a concrete, effective and long-lasting policy.
Academic and research institutions are the focus in this guide, but similar measures could also be applied at NGOs or various types of companies. And don’t forget to fill in our survey and join the community of institutions with progressive travel policies.
Go virtual!
Carbon Calulator Guide
This guide gives you an overview of online carbon calculators that can be useful for your organisation to analyse its carbon emissions caused by aviation.