Airline advertisements grounded across Europe in latest climate protest Contact: Tona Merriman,, Tel: +44 7471593736 Full photo set available here Interviews at relevant hacked advertising sites available on request. 500 advertising sites...
Cusco’s New Airport Threatens Incas’ Past and Our Collective Future
The prospect of an international airport in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru has haunted the populations of Chinchero and Urumbamba for 40 years. With construction now underway, local initiatives and civil society organisations fear the destructive consequences...
Impacts of the new Cusco airport in Chinchero and the problems of air traffic
This webinar seeks to listen to different voices that are knowledgeable about the project and its impacts on watersheds, on the cultural and historical heritage of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and on the communities of Chinchero and Urubamba. We aim at mobilizing...
Webinar: Is the industry greenwashing aviation?
For decades we have witnessed massive growth rates in aviation without any meaningful attempt from neither industry nor government to deal with it’s damaging climate impact. The short pause through Covid was directly followed by massive and unconditional bailouts from...
Safe Landing: A Just Transition with Aviation Workers
How do we envision a transition process that cares for the climate and the people whose livelihoods depend on aviation and tourism? How can this be done together with workers and trade unions, instead of against them? And what can we learn from the coal transition...
Destination Degrowth – Ein gerechter Übergang vom Flugverkehr zur klimagerechten Mobilität
Seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie ist der Flugverkehr am Boden. Seit vielen Jahren schon ist klar, dass Fliegen die klimaschädlichste und ungerechteste Form der Mobilität ist. Wie geht es nun weiter? Zurück zum business as usual oder ein Umschwenken in Richtung...
Understanding Greenwashing and False Solutions
The aviation industry is engaged in a concerted global greenwashing campaign to divert attention from the immense climate impact of air traffic. More worryingly still, UN body for civil aviation has developed a worldwide climate mitigation plan which does not cut...
Frequent Flyer Levy: Tackling the Injustice of Flying
Air travel is the preserve of the global rich: recent research shows that less than 1% of the global population cause more than 50% of emissions from passenger air travel. Reducing this frequent flying behaviour in a relatively small number of people would produce a...
The total climate impact of aviation
For a long time, the aviation industry and governments ignored the fact that aviation's climate impact is not only about CO2: burning kerosene at altitude also generates contrails, induced cloudiness and NOx derivatives that, although short lived, contribute...
Airport actions & campaigns – lessons learned on successful strategies and tactics
Despite climate crisis and global pandemic, airport expansion and construction projects are being planned or continued around the world. Those projects involve new land acquisition, the destruction of ecosystems, displacement of people - sometimes including human...
Virtually International – How Virtual Meetings Can Help to Avoid Flights
Summary of the webinar “Virtually international - how virtual meetings can help to avoid flights” On October 22nd 2020, Stay Grounded organised with Let’s Stay Grounded campaign partner Zeroing Flying a Webinar on how virtual communication can help us to avoid...
Taxes or Limits?
Measures to reduce air traffic in a just way On September 22nd, the Stay Grounded network held a webinar to discuss which measures are more suitable to limit aviation and its climate impact: Taxes on kerosene, VAT or frequent flyers? Or rather limits on flights and...
Just Transition in the Aviation Sector
Ways for shifting towards a climate-just transport system. The role of aviation workers and the state On August 4th, the Stay Grounded network held a webinar on the question how a just transition of aviation could be organized. Inputs by a pilot, a trade unionist, and...
Grounding Travel Policies in Organisations
In the Stay Grounded webinar on “Grounding travel policies in organisations” we explored different measures available to organisations to reduce business air travel. The webinar had a focus on academia, with inputs from University Bergen and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
How to Do Grounded Online Campaigning
How can small NGOs or grassroots groups run multiple social media channels like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram in an effective way and coordinate properly?
Airport Conflicts – Struggles for Environmental Justice
All across the globe airport projects involve new land acquisition, the destruction of ecosystems, displacement of people and local pollution and health issues. This webinar presented the results of 300 socio-environmental conflicts related to the expansion or creation of new airports or aerotropolis that were mapped in research in collaboration between Environmental Justice Atlas and Stay Grounded.
Campaigns to reduce aviation – a movement for the privileged?
Summary of our webinar to explore inclusiveness and social justice in our communications and actions As a global network, Stay Grounded has members all over the world and the global solidarity work is central to our work. Still most of our member groups are in Europe...
How to Tell Grounded Stories
Aviation is deeply engrained in the lifestyle of many people in the Global North. Decades of advertising and campaigning by the industry lead to a view of flying that is connected to freedom and an open minded society. But with the rapidly escalating climate crisis...
Degrowth of Aviation
How to reduce air travel in a just way? On 5th of December, Stay Grounded presented the new report "Degrowth of Aviation. Reducing air travel in a just way" in a webinar. The report had been produced with much input from the conference on Degrowth of Aviation held in...
System Change and/or Behaviour Change?
On Oct. 29th 2019, our second Stay Grounded Webinar took place. We discussed with experts the role of behaviour change approaches regarding the much needed systemic change of our society and new social theories reframing the role of the individual in instigating...
CORSIA – better or worse than nothing?
The next ICAO Assembly on CORSIA will take place in Montreal from the 24th of September until the 4th of October 2019. Stay Grounded offered a webinar on the 29th of August that explained the current status in the CORSIA process and indicated ways to resist the problematic scheme. Find a shortened version of the recorded webinar, and an overview here.